What do you think about when you are driving around? I always wonder where everyone is going. Why do they seem to be in such a hurry? Others are conducting business on the phone, texting, putting on their makeup, eating, singing and who knows what else in going on in that car next to me.
Sitting in Traffic
I feel like I spend a lot of time sitting in traffic. I watch everyone around me. I have passed four signs that say left lane closed, and yet for some reason there are always five cars that just can’t seem to get over until the last second. Do those people really think they are more important than the rest of us, and need to go first? Are they really in a rush? Maybe the woman in the back seat is in labor! That would be important. Although some times it seems that they are just inconsiderate and cause traffic to pile up because of their impatience. Then I find myself sitting there wondering why people are so rude. My actions towards these people vary depending on my mood for the day. Sometimes I counter act heir rudeness by being overly polite and leaving room for at least a car to enter into the line in front of me. Another day, it just irritates me and I ride the bumper of the car in front of me to make sure that NO ONE is getting in on my watch. And then sometimes I scoot over to the left of the lane to make sure that these inconsiderate, rude people cannot pass me in line. I feel like an elementary kid standing in line yelling to the teacher, “No Cuts!”
Running Around Town
Running around town is a bit different. I‘m not usually stuck in traffic just racing from one stop light to the next. I see people at the stop lights turning in all directions and I wonder where they are going. Like that old man next to us in the button up shirt, all prim and proper, where is he going? Maybe to work, maybe to visit his wife in the hospital or he might just be going to Walmart. What kind of day is he having? I will never know.
Then there are the people that race past you to catch the red light right in front of you. Did they really think they were going to get there that much faster? Do they know the people around them are laughing at them? Really people slow down enjoy life!
Now what I am wondering about is … what are the people in the car next to me thinking or saying about me singing at the top of my lungs in my car, pretending to play the drums or actually playing the air guitar? I will never know.
Sitting in Traffic

I feel like I spend a lot of time sitting in traffic. I watch everyone around me. I have passed four signs that say left lane closed, and yet for some reason there are always five cars that just can’t seem to get over until the last second. Do those people really think they are more important than the rest of us, and need to go first? Are they really in a rush? Maybe the woman in the back seat is in labor! That would be important. Although some times it seems that they are just inconsiderate and cause traffic to pile up because of their impatience. Then I find myself sitting there wondering why people are so rude. My actions towards these people vary depending on my mood for the day. Sometimes I counter act heir rudeness by being overly polite and leaving room for at least a car to enter into the line in front of me. Another day, it just irritates me and I ride the bumper of the car in front of me to make sure that NO ONE is getting in on my watch. And then sometimes I scoot over to the left of the lane to make sure that these inconsiderate, rude people cannot pass me in line. I feel like an elementary kid standing in line yelling to the teacher, “No Cuts!”
Running Around Town
Running around town is a bit different. I‘m not usually stuck in traffic just racing from one stop light to the next. I see people at the stop lights turning in all directions and I wonder where they are going. Like that old man next to us in the button up shirt, all prim and proper, where is he going? Maybe to work, maybe to visit his wife in the hospital or he might just be going to Walmart. What kind of day is he having? I will never know.
Then there are the people that race past you to catch the red light right in front of you. Did they really think they were going to get there that much faster? Do they know the people around them are laughing at them? Really people slow down enjoy life!
Now what I am wondering about is … what are the people in the car next to me thinking or saying about me singing at the top of my lungs in my car, pretending to play the drums or actually playing the air guitar? I will never know.