Monday, March 30, 2009

Working from home

I have worked from home most of my adult life, with a short 3 year time I went out to an office to work. My husband complimented me the other day on being a self motivator. I was taken back because I had never thought about it.

I have however, thought about why in the day of teleconferencing, videoconferences, email, etc., why do we still have so many office buildings full of people working under strips of florescent lights. In the day of being "GREEN" how come we don't look at the amount of energy these millions of office buildings use? Not to mention the amount of gas used to get to those offices.

But the compliment my husband gave me might just be the answer .... maybe not everyone can get up and just work at home, maybe they need a motivator? I wonder ......

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dishwasher Buttons I warned you that some of my wonders, might be a little weird. Tonight I was about to start my dishwasher, and for some reason tonight I noticed all the buttons I could chose from. This is dishwasher is about 10 years old and until tonight I had not even noticed these buttons really, I just pushed normal and wash. That made me wonder, do some people really use all these buttons? When we buy new appliances I think we always want all those new fangled buttons...BUT, after we get home with this new appliance do we really use all that stuff? I wonder......

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why do people start blogs?

I have spent most of today reading blogs. Some great ones, some good ones, and some really really bad ones, BUT even the worst of them I give kuddos to for giving it a try, and being must more deligent than "I"! I wonder why do people start blogs? How do they decide what to share? And what makes one person very consistant about writing, and others just blog starters? Today I am a trying to convert from a blog starter to a REAL blogger. We will see.....