Monday, April 27, 2009

Today I wonder why .... "Small Business"

American the land of opportunity! Hum ... might be the land of opportunity, but you have to work like a farmer in a field with just a horse drawn plow, swerve amongst the obstacles like you were driving an obstacle course and pay taxes like you had money to pay them. All while paying for that umbrella insurance policy just in case someone comes after you and wants to take everything you no longer have cause you sunk it all in your business :)

Today after getting some bad news about a small business of mine, I wonder .... in this land of opportunity, where you can do anything you want to .... WHY do they make it so hard? The government is the first obstacle with self employment taxes, personal property taxes, paper work so intensive that you don't have time to run your business.

Then there is this semi new thing called the Internet, and YES, like you use to have to have a yellow book listing, today you must have a web page to market your business. Then you must have a blog to talk about your business. Then you have to put your face on a book to do this thing called social networking, and then you have to twitter around the Internet proclaiming your every move to the world, just in case they care ... and all this to hope and pray that a thing called google will want to put you at the top of it's list.

Definition of "Small Business:" no accountant to file tax forms, no human resource director to do the hiring and firing, no marketing department to get the google thing happening, no janitor to clean the bathrooms, just me, myself and I.

Today I wonder ... why do they make it so hard on the little guy to just do what they do best.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today I have Serious Wonders

Today I attended the Tea Party in Kansas City. It was an experience I will never forget. I stood there in a crowd of approx. 4000 people and my little head was spinning with wonders!

Where did all these people come from? Had they ever attended anything like this before? Who made the signs for these men? (Somehow, I never imagined men making signs...giggle) Hey it was COOL!!! When did they become so passionate about politics and their beliefs? Were they all republicans? I don't really think so ... I am betting a few Ron Paul supporters were there and I am not sure what they consider themselves :) Hey he has some good ideas, not I am not dissing him, just wondering!

I many more people are out there, that did not come to the rally, but have the same strong beliefs as the people at the rally today? Why did they not attend? But then....this whole rally thing is a bit different for conservative types ... maybe next time they will join in too ... I wonder.

The people that were there today, was this a one time thing for them? Will they find organizations to support and become involved in that will continue what was started today? I wonder ....

What I really WONDER about is ...... what am I going to do, to not let this die in my life! How can I help keep this movement going? I WONDER ....
