Monday, May 3, 2010

Today I Wonder ... How fast can a person learn???

I attended the "Winning America Back" conference in Kansas City with Sarah Palin this weekend. I will give my review later in my CapitalinKC blog. But the realization that I came to, was that I have been so busy trying to learn national politics, that I have completely ignored local and state politics!! Shame on me!! How fast can I play catch up? How fast can I learn?

At the conference, there were tables and tables of candidates that are running for local offices and state offices, and except for the well known names I was clueless! Just because a name is well known does not make that candidate the best one for the job.

Yesterday my education started in local and state politics. I am also looking for local conservative groups to check out to join, or even possibly start my own .... so if you know of local groups or would be interested in joining this learning experience with me let me know :)

It is Monday ... the start of a new week, find a smile and share it with others so that you might help them have a wonderful week :)


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